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March brings the release of U.S. Cybersecurity Strategy

By MyCena | Posted on : 15 March 2023

The White House unveiled its national cybersecurity strategy in early March. The updated approach emphasises collaboration between the public sector,

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One in 20 workers feeding sensitive data into ChatGPT

By MyCena | Posted on : 15 March 2023

Almost one in every 20 employees has submitted sensitive company information into ChatGPT, according to a report.

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Aviation sector sees stronger cybersecurity demands

By MyCena | Posted on : 15 March 2023

The aviation industry is reviewing updated cybersecurity requirements in network segmentation, access control, threat detection, and patching. The attempt to increase industry security comes as the Biden administration aims to strengthen critical infrastructure cyber defences.

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The changes that could save cyber insurance

By MyCena | Posted on : 15 February 2023

Mario Greco, CEO of Zurich Insurance, recently explained that cyberattacks are becoming uninsurable as the industry can no longer absorb losses caused by cybercrime.

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Cyberattacks against Ukraine tripled in 2022

By MyCena | Posted on : 15 February 2023

Ukraine has seen a threefold increase in cyber-attacks over the past year, with many of them originating from Russia. These attacks have sometimes been used in combination with missile strikes,

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Reddit suffers security breach

By MyCena | Posted on : 15 February 2023

Popular social platform Reddit suffered a security incident in which unauthorized access was gained to internal documents, code, and some business systems.

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