MyCena® has developed a range of Access Segmentation and Encryption Management (ASEM) solutions to help you control access to your organization. Click to see the differences.

MyCena® Desk Center (MDC)

The most comprehensive solution in our portfolio, MDC addresses the complex security and access control needs of organizations.

1. Access control from a centralized management console


Large organizations have multiple and complex access needs. Each country, service, operation has its own applications, and each application has its own access policy that requires specific usernames and passwords. Employees need to access multiple IT, OT, or IoT applications, and you can’t create a single, centralized, federated access for the entire Active Directory.

Using convenience to increase security


  • The MyCena® Desk Center console allows organizations to centrally manage passwords and distribute strong, independent encrypted access keys for each application to all employees in the organization.
  • From a single management console and using the access kit, organizations can automate the entire process and distribute credentials in seconds without interruption.


  • The organization retains ownership of the access keys and maintains access security under its own control
  • Employees log in to the various apps via MyCena®, whether they’re in the office or at home, without knowing the passwords behind the access
  • The organization secures access to all applications, IT, OT, IoT
  • The organization saves time and money spent managing and distributing access
Using convenience to increase security

2. Stop password phishing and password fraud


Human error is responsible for 95% of all breaches. Organizations want to ensure that passwords created by their employees are complex enough, that they are stored securely, not written and left somewhere. However, management has no visibility into bad practices, phishing, or password fraud.


With MDC, organizations eliminate employee-created passwords and replace them with strong, randomly-generated, independent and encrypted passwords. After finding and clicking on a login, employees open the correct page and the encrypted password is automatically filled in.

Results :

  • Management controls all access for the entire organization
  • Ensures high entropy of each password and secure storage of credentials
  • Eliminates exposure to credential brute force attacks, stolen credentials for sale on the dark web, AI-generated attacks
  • The employee cannot not manipulate, record, share, or sell passwords
  • No more password errors
  • No more password phishing
  • No more password fraud
  • No need to train employees on password hygiene and password phishing, saving organizations time and money
Using convenience to increase security

3. Eliminate forgotten passwords and save password reset costs


People can’t remember dozens of different passwords for each of their applications. According to Statista, 56% of people forget their password at least once a month. At a cost of $70 per reset according to Forrester, this represents an average of $39,200 per month wasted unnecessarily for an organization of 1,000 employees, not including downtime, the impact on employee productivity and revenue.

Using convenience to increase security


With MDC, passwords remain encrypted, so people don’t need to know, remember, forget or reset them.

Results :

  • Employees can’t forget passwords they don’t know
  • Eliminates unnecessary password reset costs
  • Eliminates “password burning” in call centers
  • Reduces absenteeism and increases employee productivity
Using convenience to increase security

4. Stop ransomware and increase cyber resilience


A stolen credential (reused password, phishing password, social engineering, brute force…) of an employee or at a company in your supply chain can lead to lateral movement, privilege escalation, business interruption, account taking, supply chain attacks, and ransomware attacks within hours.


With MDC, all accesses are segmented and passwords are all different.

Results :

  • No lateral movement and privilege escalation
  • Limits any intrusion and attacks on the supply chain
  • Prevents ransomware attacks
  • Increases cyber resilience
Using convenience to increase security

5. Automate or remove password change

Problem :

  • Criminals harvest and sell new employees’ credentials every day, which are used to gain access to company accounts. To mitigate the threat, employees are required to change their passwords regularly, creating password fatigue
  • IT service desks must manually reset and change the passwords of employees who have forgotten their passwords. According to Gartner, password resets are a laborious task and account for between 20% and 50% of all service desk calls, and cost $70 per reset, according to Forrester
Using convenience to increase security


MyCena® automatically distributes strong and random independent passwords to all systems and renews passwords automatically.

Results :

  • Reduces labor costs for changing credentials with very low integration
  • There is no need to change passwords regularly, as each account has an independent and strong password, just as there is no need to regularly change all door locks in factories and buildings
  • For passwords that require rotation, automatic passwords renewals can be done without human intervention
Using convenience to increase security

6. Employee well-being

Problem :

Employees face a huge mental load around passwords: knowing password policies, creating strong passwords, not reusing them, changing them regularly, memorizing them, storing them securely, attending password phishing training sessions, or going through impromptu phishing exercises.

Despite all the training, there is always someone who reuses a password, falls victim to a social engineering attack, or gives their password away in a phishing scam, whether manual or AI-generated. With all employees regularly targeted by criminals, many live in fear of being fired for making a mistake during a phishing exercise or attack. With people using the same passwords at work and at home, employees also run the added risk of their stolen business passwords being used to access their personal accounts for financial fraud.


MyCena® securely creates, encrypts, distributes, stores, uses, and deletes passwords.  

Results :

  • Employees no longer need to create, know, store, or remember passwords
  • No need for password phishing exercises
  • Employees can no longer make password mistakes or provide their passwords in phishing scams because they no longer know them
  • Employees are no longer at risk of being fired for password errors because they no longer control them
  • Employees benefit from secure access without the mental effort
Using convenience to increase security

7. Compliance, Duty of Care and Insurability

Problem :

  • If an organization does not control access to data, it is impossible for it to control its data.
  • A Data Controller must secure access to company’s data to comply with data privacy regulations such as GDPR in Europe, LGPD in Brazil, or CCPA in California. But that’s impossible when employees create their own passwords to access that data. Anyone who has their personal data – e.g. health data, financial data – exposed during a data breach can seek compensation from the Data Controller. If the Data Controller has ceded access control to such data, whether deliberately, inadvertently, negligently or ignorantly, they have infringed the Regulation and is responsible for the damages caused. If the theft affects many victims, the Data Controller may face a class action lawsuit.
  • Directors and officers have a duty of care to the company and its shareholders, and may have their own personal responsibility affected if their organization does not control access to personal data, whether deliberately, inadvertently, negligently, or ignorantly.
  • An organization may also face denial of insurance claims if the insurer can prove the organization didn’t have control of access before a breach.
  • According to the GDPR, companies can be responsible for up to 4% of their global revenue if they do not have control over their access and suffer a cyber attack that results in the theft of personal data.

Solution :

  • With MDC, organizations can comply with their legal data access control requirements and present a certificate of access control implementation for specific systems and users to prove compliance.
  • The granularity of permissions and security restrictions allows organizations to precisely define permissions for different roles.
  • Management can monitor and audit access in the GRC module


  • Complies with data protection laws (GDPR, LGPD, CCPA…) and their data access control requirements
  • Elevates the duty of care of directors and officers, and limits their exposure to personal responsibilities
  • Reduces the risk of denial of insurance claims
  • Can audit access events in case of fraud or breach

Goto integration

MyCena® goto integration connects you to different systems







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