Knowledge of Passwords |
- Employees /contractors/ interns generate their own passwords to access systems such as intranet, remote IT and OT access, web and local applications, databases, legacy applications (mainframe), servers, connected devices…
- Company manages and distributes highly secure encrypted passwords for each system to employees, which they use as keys.

Password Strength |
- Ex: Password123, admin
- Reused passwords
- Passwords like QLf0sf 7D£bShX*#Wbqj-2-CiQS are generated by MyCena® console
Risk Of Password Theft |
- Password phishing, password fraud, password sharing
- Passwords kept in clear text in notes
- Employees can’t know, disclose, share, write or type passwords
- No risk of password phishing, password fraud, weak and reused passwords
Access Segmentation |
- A single password or identity simplifies passwords for employees
- Employees reuse passwords
- Different passwords for each system
Access Layers |
- All passwords in the same basket behind a single access ( password or identity)
- Passwords are stored in different levels Bronze, Silver, Gold) according to their sensitivity
Password Resets |
- 56% of people forget passwords at least once a month
- Password burn, absenteeism, productivity loss
- People can’t forget passwords they don’t know
Access Flexibility |
- Cannot be used on all systems, e.g., legacy systems
- System agnostic, can be used for legacy systems, credit cards, IT, IoT, OT, SOC…
- MyCena® can develop new integrations (review on demand)
Governance |
- No visibility on shared, leaked or stolen single access until it has been exploited
- Full visibility over credentials events in real time in GRC
Risk Of Lateral Movement, Privilege Escalation, Ransomware, Supply-chain Attacks |
- From one breach, hackers can use access to move laterally, find other passwords, privileged access, exfiltrate data, lock files, launch a ransomware attack, publish sensitive data, attack the supply chain…
- If a criminal enters the network through a vulnerability or supply chain, access segmentation and encryption prevents the criminal from finding any other password, moving laterally and escalating their privileges, limiting the infiltrated area, espionage, exposed data, service interruptions, risks of ransomware, extortion, and further spreading to the supply chain.
Password Expiry |
- People reuse passwords across all accounts
- Passwords deleted with employee account
Blocks Save Passwords In Browser And Windows Clipboard |
No |
Yes |
One-click Access
( Automatic Transport Of Passwords Without Typing Or Seing Password) |
No |
Yes |
Integration With Infrastructure Protocols (Telnet, SSH, RDP, Etc.), Websites (Http/Https), Local And Legacy Applications |
No |
Yes |
Integration Of GRC Module With Syslog Solutions (SIEM, Splunk) |
No |
Yes |
Centralized Credentials Management |
No |
Yes |
Credit Card Module |
No |
Yes |