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A Google Trends data study from 2004 to 2019 has revealed the top search terms for those interested in cybersecurity. Among the finds were the top names of those in the cybersecurity business, as well as companies which were most likely to be used in phishing attacks. Apple ranked as number one for the most often used company name in scam emails, along with PayPal, HMRC, Amazon and Natwest. Equifax has the poorest reputation based on search results, thanks to a data breach in 2017 which led to 150 million people’s data being exposed.

A data breach affecting 20 million people – 3 million more than the population of Ecuador – is said to potentially expose every Ecuadorian citizen’s data. Among the victims are the Ecuadorian president Lenín Moreno and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who is currently residing at the Ecuadorian Embassy. The exposed data has been sourced to government registries, as well as a national bank and automotive association. It includes taxpayer identification numbers, driving records and back account records.

September 2019 will see the launch of a new ecommerce authentication law as set out by the EU. Strong customer authentication, otherwise known as PSD2, will require all customers buying and banking online to use two-factor authentication to identify themselves, for example password and fingerprint. Enterprises around the EU are now trying to identify the banks that recognise the new law so that they can transition effectively without fines.

A London-based university has announced the launch of a new cybersecurity centre which will unite the UK, US and Japan. During a launch meeting in Tokyo, proponents of the new centre said it would bring together experts in the field to tackle emerging challenges in cybersecurity. Issues that the centre will tackle involve security for large-scale events, such as the forthcoming Tokyo 2020 Olympics. The centre has five founding institutions, including the University of Maryland, Keio University and Royal Holloway.

Cybersecurity experts have warned shoppers and companies to be careful when shopping on Amazon Prime Day this July. A prominent antivirus company has released information on a new phishing technique that hackers may be using to steal thousands of customers’ data. The phishing tool invites customers to click on a link to a website through an email, and then encourages them to enter personal data. Amazon has offered its shoppers tips to stay safe.

2018 saw a record investment in cybersecurity, according to FinTech Global. Following three large transactions in Hong Kong, 2018 saw the biggest investment in cybersecurity in history, valued at £6.9 billion. Now however, experts are saying that the same investment is not to be expected in 2019, having hit just $3.1 billion in H1. However, this is due to much smaller companies making smaller investments, rather than a downward trend in cybersecurity. 2018’s record was linked to a $500m investment from AI company SenseTime.