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BT Clocks 530 Cyberattacks Every Second


"BT on Wednesday announced that it has clocked 46 million signals of potential cyberattacks every day, and more than 530 signals detected every second."

"BT said the most targeted industries in the past 12 months are IT, defence, banking and insurance – with 19.7 percent of malware sightings being directed towards these high-stakes targets."

"The retail, hospitality and education sectors are also at high risk, accounting for 14.9 percent of malware sightings in the past 12 months"

"small businesses, start-ups and charities are also finding themselves in the firing line; approximately 785,000 cyber-crimes were found across UK charities in the last 12 months"

"every 30 seconds, cyber criminals scan any device connected to the internet looking for weaknesses, using automation and machine learning to identify vulnerabilities in business defences – the digital equivalent of a burglar looking for an open window."