Use MyCena to make your digital life simpler and safer
Generate strong passwords

Generate strong passwords

  •  Type url to load logo
  •  Type login
  •  Tap Generate Password
  •  Never reuse same password
  •  Never use weak passwords
  •  No need to create own passwords
Generate strong passwords

Three levels of security for passwords

  •  Bronze level for newsletters, blogs…
  •  Silver level for social media, subscriptions…
  •  Gold level for banking…
Three levels of security
Only you can access fortress

No master password - Only you can access fortress

  •  Bronze level: fingerprint, face ID or PIN
  •  Silver level: lock pattern
  •  Gold level: voice passphrase
Generate strong passwords

Keep encrypted passwords on you

  •  Passwords encrypted locally using most secure encryption AES-SHA 256
  •  Unlimited number of passwords
Passwords encrypted locally

Easy search

  •  With logo
  •  By url
  •  By login
  •  No need to remember passwords
Generate strong passwords

Tap to copy password

  • Passwords stay hidden
  •  No need to see passwords

Paste in Place on mobile device

  •  Tap password field
  •  Or use web extension
  •  Select Paste
  •  No need to remember a password
Generate strong passwords

Paste in Place on desktop

  •  First connect desktop to mobile:
    • • Download MyCena browser extensions for Chrome Safari and Firefox
    • • Enter your MyCena account email
    • • Enter code received by email in your extension
    • • Open MyCena app, Click Connect web extension and scan QR code
  •  Touch url, login, password on your mobile
  •  Click MyCena extension button to copy it ( only Chrome and Firefox)
  •  Press Ctrl+V or Cmd+V to paste in place
Synchronize  back up encrypted passwords

Encrypted synchronization and backups

  •  Synchronize multiple devices
  •  Backup passwords to encrypted file
  •  Reload backup when needed
Generate strong passwords