MyCena dans l’actualité

The Fast Identity Online (FIDO) Alliance — a group of technology companies including Apple, Google and Microsoft — recently announced its commitment to supporting passwordless authentication across its products. 

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The Fast Identity Online (FIDO) Alliance -- a group of technology companies including Apple, Google and Microsoft -- recently announced its commitment to supporting passwordless authentication across its products.

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Cyber security should really generally be a critical consideration for c-suite investment, but with new threats together with phishing as a service (PhaaS) rising in popularity, authorities are now warning corporations to look at their defences are strong.

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In 2022, the greatest threat vector is phishing attacks, which are responsible for more than 80% of all breaches to individuals and organizations. These are a result of misused or stolen passwords; hackers, despite their name, don’t “hack in”, but instead log in using credentials phished via social engineering. 

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n mid-March, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) released a report highlighting how cyber actors routinely exploit poor security configurations, weak controls, and other poor cyber hygiene practices to gain access and compromise user systems. 

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